Analysis – Page 7
The Plastic Menace
This is not the first time that I''m quoting Prince Charles on this page, and I''m not doing it for being a special fan of the British royalty, but because I find him again and again a champion for the nature in general and our oceans in particular.
Make hay while the sun shines
Fishing has emerged from a tough decade into a relatively bright landscape, and in many parts of the world, fish stocks are stronger than they have ever been.
Minimal safety training increases risk to fishermen
UK authority Seafish has expressed grave concerns that not enough fully trained new blood is entering an industry with a fatality at work record 30 times greater than any other UK occupation, reports Bryan Gibson.
Where have all the fishes gone?
Menakhem Ben-Yami looks at the effect warming sea temperatures has on fish species.
Dealing with 'MPA mania'
Spatially delimited MPAs (Marine Protected Areas), however lacking in true science, have recently become a commonly prescribed remedy for all fish stock ails, especially for the conservation of biodiversity.
Into fifth gear
Research into more effective and sustainable fishing gear is on the increase. Adrian Tatum explores some of the reasons why.
Brexit: A game changing vote for fishing
With the UK electorate voting to exit the European Union, WF asks where that leaves the country’s fishing industry and the broader seafood supply chain
Discarding the past
Adrian Tatum discovers how some European fishing nations are adjusting to the second phase of the EU discard ban, which came into force on 1 January.
The plastic menace
The worldwide production of plastics has increased considerably since the middle of the 20th century.
Sri Lanka fisheries ready for return
With its ban on fisheries exports to the EU market lifted, the country anticipates it will start to reinstate crucial trade links from next month
Beta Files
Captain Olaf Olsen, whom I''m proud to call a friend, was born in the Faroe Islands in 1935.
Europe slowly opens up to the CFP
European nations are slowly coming to terms with implementing new rules and legislation under the latest Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), as Adrian Tatum reports.
Collaboration is the key in the fight against illegal fishing
Adrian Tatum examines the state of illegal fishing around the world and looks at some of the efforts being made to eliminate it.
Fishing down marine food webs?
Menakhem Ben-Yami shares his opinion on Pauly and Zeller’s recent paper on fish catches.
Getting to the bottom of the ‘mislabelling’ issue
Bob Milne looks at the recent – and conflicting - seafood mislabelling studies.
Science fiction?
Menakhem Ben-Yami takes a tongue-in-cheek look at the possible technology of the future.
'North Korean' fishermen die in a desperate fishery
North Korea has made the global press headlines with its claim of detonating a hydrogen bomb, but Menakhem Ben-Yami reports on the fishing boats and bodies that have recently washed ashore in Japan, which appear to be North Korean.
Challenges in the South Eastern Mediterranean
A multidisciplinary scientific conference dealing with the dynamics of the Levant Basin, attended by international and Israeli experts, took place in November at the foot of Mt. Carmel, Israel. Menakhem Ben-Yami reports.
Fishing and cage farming paradise
A couple of months ago a rare visitor, John Goodlad - a Shetlander who is also a Scottish fishery personality - passed here with his beautiful daughter.