Special Reports

The Special Reports compiled by World Fishing & Aquaculture provide expert-written, in-depth coverage of the fisheries, aquaculture and processing sectors, with a strong focus on the emerging technologies, innovations and sustainable solutions that are shaping the blue food landscape.

Upcoming Reports

Greener fishing

November-December 2024 - Greener fishing - preview

Fisheries are becoming increasingly responsible and sustainable thanks to new technologies and initiatives

Published Reports

Land based aquaculture

July-August 2024 - Land-based aquaculture technology

New production systems are escalating the industry’s contribution to global food security

Smart Processing

March-April 2024 - Smart, connected seafood processing

Robotics, analytics software and other Industry 4.0 technologies are helping to scale-up productivity

By Products

January-February 2024 - By-Product Solutions

Cutting waste and maximising value

greener fishing

Nov 2023 - Greener fishing

Fisheries are becoming increasingly responsible and sustainable thanks to new technologies and initiatives

land-based aquaculture technology

Jul 2023 - Land-based aquaculture technology

New production systems are escalating the industry’s contribution to global food security

Smart connected seafood processing (002)

Apr 2023 - Seafood processing

Robotics, analytics software and other Industry 4.0 technologies are helping to scale-up productivity

by-product solutions

Dec 2022 - By-Product Solutions

Cutting waste and maximising value