Analysis – Page 12
Worldwide overfishing continues
Overfishing has brought about many challenges to the European fishing industry (see World Fishing & Aquaculture April 2012), but in the rest of the world those challenges are just as prominent and in many respects resolving them is even more urgent, writes Adrian Tatum. African waters, for example, have long ...
Logbook of a fisherman's wife - a fishing lore saga
I have recently finished reading a book by Michele Longo Eder - a fisherman''s wife from Newport, Oregon.
Overfishing in Europe must end
Last June the Commission reported that fish stocks in European waters are improving. Credit: Mick Garratt/WikiAlongside discards, overfishing ranks as one of the most discussed subjects both in the political arena and industry over the past few years, reports Adrian Tatum. Overfishing and the failure of the Common Fisheries Policy ...
PROFISH: Is it also pro-fishermen?
In 2005 the World Bank (WB) created the Global Partnership on Fisheries (PROFISH) in association with key donors and stakeholders.
Back to slavery
Things are going from bad to worse. Over six years ago (WF June 2005) I wrote here about low-paid and badly treated "foreigners" onboard large, distant-water fishing vessels, some of which flying FOC (flag-of-convenience) and some IUU (Illegal, unreported and unregulated).
Bringing Europe together on discards
It was a move seen by many as long overdue, but 2011 was to be the year that Europe was to come together as one to change the rules on discards forever.
Arctic fisheries and global warming
Global warming was recently an item on the agenda at the COP17 meeting in Durban, South Africa (28 November - 11 December 2011). It was emphasised in the meetings that it is important to begin adaptation for exposed and vulnerable poor communities which are negatively affected by the consequences of ...
Ditching a fishing boat? No problem – just follow the rules
I started my marine career as a wireless operator. An upcoming ‘sparker’, as we were fondly called by other seamen, one of the first subjects they taught me at maritime school was how to react to safety problems and, in particular, when yours or other ship was in distress.
New hope for eel
Richard Cook, MD Severn & Wye Smokery, releasing glass eels into the ThamesWhile it’s true the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) has significantly declined in numbers, it’s wrong to say this centuries-old delicacy has been overfished. In fact from February this year eel buyers will have the opportunity to buy sustainable ...
Dracula, Lord Nelson and Cap’n Cook in TV fishing expedition
Whitby regularly hauls in a massive, capacity-busting catch with little effort, no loss of days at sea and zero fuel outlay. A calm sea and sunny weather on an August Saturday meant the haul of tourists jammed cobbled Church Street whose cod-end narrows at the start of the 199 stone ...
Fisheries management – the Japanese way
I last wrote on Japan in the World Fishing & Aquaculture May issue, following the series of disasters - earthquake, tsunami and the Fukushima meltdown. Since then, the surviving NE Japan''s fishermen and its fishing industry have been struggling to stay afloat and gradually return to anything that resembles normality.
Traditional management: can it be revived?
In the 1980s the National Fisherman, an American fisheries journal featured a column written by an East Coast fisherman Captain Perc Sane.
Plastic – enemy of the sea
The British Plastics Federation (BPF) attempts to whitewash this admission by claiming, “Plastic materials are generally inert and lend themselves to product safety-critical situations such as food and pharmaceutical packaging, toys and medical implants”. The federation also simplifies the constant introduction of new plastic pollutants by claiming to be just ...
The rowdy mackerel
A not a very reader-friendly chapter called Mackerel in the Northeast Atlantic (combined Southern, Western, and North Sea spawning components) from a recent ICES report describes in almost 6,000 words the status of mackerel stocks.
Chile leads algae farming research
This targeted species is one of the most important cold water carrageenan producing algae species. It is an endemic South American species which provides raw material to three important Chilean producers which together supply over 29% of the world's carrageenan needs. So far, the raw material is only provided through ...
New Common Fisheries Policy – new electronics!
2. BlueTraker is probably the only brand to offer a range of on-board VMS terminals scaled to various vessel sizes and fleets 3.
Forging ahead
Waitrose this year experienced between 500 and 600% growth in cod sales in following its advertisements promoting Icelandic codWhen Iceland unveiled plans for the Iceland Responsible Fisheries (IRF) eco-label in 2008 there were many who thought the move was little more than a publicity stunt – after all, did the ...
Fishermen, scientists, managers and environmental advocacy
This is a story of distrust that developed sometime during the second half of the 20th century and that keeps on ravaging the very foundations of the world''s fishery industry.
SPECIAL REPORT: Limping fisheries management
It proved to be effective in fleets shrinking, consolidation of fishing rights and quotas in lesser hands, and in reducing employment onboard and in fishing communities. However, with only a few exceptions, its claims of improving safety, resource protection and rehabilitation have been straying in circles between imaginary and fallacious. ...
Growing interest in chain of custody programme
Commitment Fish retailer interest in the Chain of Custody (CoC) certification programme recently has extended to Australia where two supermarket chains, Woolworths and Coles, have started to sell MSC certified fishery products which is being advertised to consumers. The recent launch of MSC certified products under the CoC programme in ...