Analysis – Page 6

  • Fishing – what’s changed?

    Fishing – what’s changed?


    When Europe was inhabited by tribes of intelligent savages, fishing was one of the main sources of food. The associated seamanship and boat-building enabled the development of marine navigation and other sea trades.

  • The plastic problem

    The plastic problem


    There’s no shortage of waste fishing gear, and there’s a growing number of ways of disposing of it as the problem of plastic waste becomes increasingly severe – and as it becomes the focus as steadily more attention.

  • Isobel

    ?The Caribbean, hurricane central


    In October this year Georgetown, Guyana hosted the 7th Meeting of the CRFM (Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism) Ministerial Council, which gave a green light to its member states to adopt risk insurance that ‘would enable the fisheries sector and fishers to bounce back more quickly after a hurricane strikes.’?

  • MB-Y

    New Zealand: Fossilized views and changing reality


    Not so long ago, New Zealand’s fisheries management system has been considered by some, mainly by quota buffs, as one of the best in the world. This, not on the basis of actual, proven results, but because New Zealand has been one of the early enthusiasts of the Quota Management ...

  • Palm

    Encountering anthropology


    My first assignment in Africa, many decades ago, turned into a three-year course in social anthropology, writes Menakhem Ben-Yami. My teachers and examiners were the local people (fishermen, government officers, merchants, fish processors, and some others), and I had to pass many, almost daily exams. I went there as a ...

  • WSI

    The invisible 50%


    The International Association for Women in Seafood Industry (WSI) made its first formal appearance at the IceFish exhibition and Marie Christine Monfort, the driving force behind the organisation becoming established, commented that it was great to launch WSI at an event in Iceland which has such a strong reputation for ...

  • Antarctic krill

    Concentration in Antarctic krill oil production


    Krill oil is the one of the most valuable products obtained from the huge resource of this tiny crustacean (Euphausia superba) living in the Antarctic Ocean. It is used in capsule form as a health supplement, and in the pharmaceutical and aquaculture feed industries. Work is also ongoing to add ...

  • 200 mile origins

    The 200-mile limit’s origins


    I’m looking back 70 years to the origins of the 200-mile EEZ. The true parents of this were Chile and Peru. In 1947, back when I sailed as wireless operator, the President of Chile and the Government of Peru proclaimed national sovereignty over submarine areas, regardless of their size or ...

  • Pair Team

    Faroese management in the balance


    ?Eleven years ago I wrote on this page: "During 1994-95, the Faroese fisheries have been managed by the quota system, introduced due to Denmark’s pressure and local compliance. The Faroese people, however, soon perceived both the operation and consequences of this system as leading towards economic, social and with – ...

  • The Plastic Menace

    The Plastic Menace


    This is not the first time that I''m quoting Prince Charles on this page, and I''m not doing it for being a special fan of the British royalty, but because I find him again and again a champion for the nature in general and our oceans in particular.

  • Fuelling a trawler in Iceland. The drop in fuel prices has been a huge boost to fishing companies

    Make hay while the sun shines


    Fishing has emerged from a tough decade into a relatively bright landscape, and in many parts of the world, fish stocks are stronger than they have ever been.

  • Fishermen’s Wall of Remembrance at the Plymouth Barbican

    Minimal safety training increases risk to fishermen


    UK authority Seafish has expressed grave concerns that not enough fully trained new blood is entering an industry with a fatality at work record 30 times greater than any other UK occupation, reports Bryan Gibson.

  • An Argo float, during a NASA study of ocean temperature measurements. Credit:

    Where have all the fishes gone?


    Menakhem Ben-Yami looks at the effect warming sea temperatures has on fish species.

  • News

    Dealing with 'MPA mania'


    Spatially delimited MPAs (Marine Protected Areas), however lacking in true science, have recently become a commonly prescribed remedy for all fish stock ails, especially for the conservation of biodiversity.

  • Research into new fishing gear and methods has increased as a result of the need for fishermen to become more sustainable and efficient

    Into fifth gear


    Research into more effective and sustainable fishing gear is on the increase. Adrian Tatum explores some of the reasons why.

  • The question is no longer if things have really been really getting worse – it is what is the reason for the decline?

    Mediterranean blues


    Menakhem Ben-Yami looks at the state of the Mediterranean.

  • Adjustment will be necessary across almost all industries, especially in commercial fishing and related sectors

    Brexit: A game changing vote for fishing


    With the UK electorate voting to exit the European Union, WF asks where that leaves the country’s fishing industry and the broader seafood supply chain

  • All EU vessels now have to report all landings under the recently reformed Common Fisheries Policy © European Commission

    Discarding the past


    Adrian Tatum discovers how some European fishing nations are adjusting to the second phase of the EU discard ban, which came into force on 1 January.

  • When discarded in the marine environment, plastic garbage can become an environmental and health hazard. Credit: Wolfram Burner/CC BY-NC 2.0, via Flickr

    The plastic menace


    The worldwide production of plastics has increased considerably since the middle of the 20th century.

  • Tuna and fish landed to market in Sri Lanka

    Sri Lanka fisheries ready for return


    With its ban on fisheries exports to the EU market lifted, the country anticipates it will start to reinstate crucial trade links from next month