Analysis – Page 6
Follow that fish
Better traceability can make seafood more profitable, claims a new industry report
Seafood demand weakens
Persistently high production costs will undermine sales in the second-half of 2022
Aquaculture at a crossroads
While the sector has the potential to nourish the world’s growing population, the FAO insists its growth must be sustainable
Making blue foods greener
While the COVID-19 pandemic has monopolised seafood industry action plans in recent times, the climate emergency remains a colossal concern
Warming seas threaten Pacific economies
Climate change is driving tuna further to the east, threatening the economic security of several small island nations.
Pandemic turns people onto pelagic fish
Markets have upped their herring and mackerel consumption during the coronavirus crisis. But does the revival have staying power?
Invaders in our waters: at what cost?
For centuries, humans have been translocating species beyond their historical, native ranges, either intentionally or unintentionally. Over time, these non-native species movements have intensified with globalisation and the increase in the volume of trade – humans and their goods are moving more freely from place to place than ever before.
Collaboration is key
Speaking at IFFO’s recent seminar, the numbers mentioned by its director general Petter M. Johannessen underscore the need for collaboration between stakeholders from public and private sectors to be strengthened.
Assessing the Brexit fallout
For much of the UK’s fishing industry and for seafood buyers in Europe, the final act of Britain’s departure from the European Union has been a rough landing.
New and uncertain horizons
With the Brexit agreement now in place, the seafood industry finds itself in uncharted waters
2022 CFP Review: Fisheries at a crossroads?
By December 31, 2022, the Commission is required to report to the Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), writes Brian O’Riordan, executive secretary of LIFE Platform.
Can Trump make a bigger fish out of America?
Through its new executive order, the White House is seeking to propel the nation’s seafood sector into the big league.
Fostering greater faith in farmed fish
Do retailers need to be more upfront about what’s gone into the aquaculture products they’re selling? A new report insists that they do.
Cordial post-Brexit relations are critical
Retaining market access and consumer confidence are of the utmost importance for both the UK and EU27
Seafood assurance in the global supply chain
?Polly Burns, Fisheries and Aquaculture Operations Manager, Customised Assurance at Lloyd’s Register, outlines the value of seafood assurance and its critical role in maintaining quality and mitigating the environmental impacts of fishing and aquaculture.
Is RAS ready to shine?
A new report analysing the ever-increasing investment in recirculating aquaculture systems points to these technologies disrupting the salmon sector within the next decade
The clock is ticking on subsidy action
A new scientific study detailing the continued escalation of ‘harmful’ fisheries subsidies has cranked up the pressure on world leaders to deliver reform, writes Jason Holland
?Argentine red shrimp producers expect to see market recovery
After two years of heavy production, the international markets for Argentine red shrimp now seem to be overloaded and the prices are continually going down, reports Eduardo Campos Lima.