All Conference articles – Page 10

  • FWP7

    Did you miss it? 33 Papers, presentations and on demand videos available now


    Download the conference proceedings now to learn how this years speakers are pioneering the way to 100% utilisation of fish.

  • Guðmundur Sigthorsson CEO of ALVAR

    Disinfecting sustainably at industrial speed


    Icefish is a great opportunity to hear about the latest technology developments and see new equipment in action. ALVAR – formerly known as D-Tech ehf – has always been closely connected with Iceland and, more specifically, with the country’s fisheries and their pelagic, whitefish, seafood, and salmon factories.

  • FWP6

    Business development opportunities at the Icelandic Fisheries exhibition


    All delegates from the Fish Waste for Profit conference were invited to attend the Iceland Fisheries Exhibition to further enhance their business development opportunities.

  • FWP5

    The Fish Waste for Profit conference concludes


    The Fish Waste for Profit conference closed with delegates and speakers discussing how they can expand the circular economy and get to 100% utilisation.

  • FWP4

    Six pioneers discuss their by-product utilisation projects


    Day 2 of Fish Waste for Profit opened with six leading developers, researchers and business owners who are trailblazing the way in by product utilisation.

  • Tom Day - fisheries scientist at Fishtek Marine

    ​Seeing the light


    Smart fishing, using dedicated technology, is proving effective at minimising marine bycatch; supporting more sustainable fishing and helping safeguard some of the world’s critically endangered species.

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    Að sjá ljósið


    Veiðar sem styðjast við snjalltækni og nýta sér sérhæfða tækni, hafa reynst árangursríkar til að lágmarka veiðar meðafla; styðja við sjálfbærari veiðar og hjálpa til við að vernda sumar tegundir í bráðri útrýmingarhættu.

  • Hydrotech

    Exhibitor Snapshot


    It’s the last day of the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, Awards & Conference 2022. Exhibitors have been presenting their latest products over the past 3 days.

  • Hydrotech

    Innlit til ánægðra sýnenda


    Í dag, föstudaginn 10. júní, er lokadagur Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningarinnar 2022. Sýnendur hafa sýnt gestum nýjustu vörur sínar, tækni og þjónustu undanfarna þrjá daga við góðar undirtektir.

  • The Minister of Fisheries and Managing Director of Foro Maritime Vasco at Icefish

    Waiting for her boat to come in


    Javier Lopez de Lacalle, Managing Director of Foro Maritimo Vasco (the Basque Association of Maritime Industries), meets Iceland’s Minister of Fisheries Svandís Svavarsdóttir at the Foro Maritimo Vasco pavilion during the Minister’s tour of Icefish.

  • Screenshot 2022-06-10 at 12.21.34

    Beðið eftir nýju skipi


    Svandís Svavarsdóttir, matvælaráðherra, hitti í gær á Sjávarútvegssýningunni 2022 Javier Lopez de Lacalle, framkvæmdastjóra Foro Maritimo Vasco, sem er Sjávarsetur Baskalands, óhagnaðardrifin samtök fyrirtækja, félaga, banka, rannsóknarmiðstöðva og háskóla. 

  • Svandís Svavarsdóttir

    Megum engan tíma missa


    Svandís Svavarsdóttir, matvælaráðherra, segir að þótt íslenskur sjávarútvegur sé í fararbroddi á heimsvísu í nýsköpun, verði greinin og velunnarar hennar að herða róðurinn til muna til að halda áfram að blómstra. Þetta kom fram í ræðu ráðherra við afhendingu Verðlauna Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningarinnar 2022, en lokadagur hennar er í dag. 10. júní.

  • Right way round

    Good fish, bad fish? Good test


    The second day of Icefish has seen Maritech, a world leading provider of seafood software, sign a partnership agreement with Brim, Iceland’s largest seafood company.  Konrad Olavsson of Maritech and Gisli Kristjansson of Brim signed the deal.

  • Right way round

    Góður fiskur, vondur fiskur? Góð prófun


    Maritech, sem er leiðandi fyrirtæki á sviði hugbúnaðar fyrir sjávarútveg, og Brim, stærsta sjávarútvegsfyrirtæki landsins, undirrituðu í dag samstarfssamning. Gisli Kristjánsson, framleiðslustjóri hjá Brim, og Konráð Olavsson, sölu- og þjónustustjóri Maritech, undirrituðu samninginn á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni 2022.

  • FWP3

    Circular economy discussions continue at Fish Waste for Profit


    After day 1 of the conference, delegate took advantage of of the informal drinks reception and discussed how to further increase the utilisation of fish by products.

  • FWP2

    Day One of the Fish Waste for Profit conference


    The first day of the Fish Waste for profit conference brought together owners and CEOs from the fishing, aquaculture and processing sectors, as well as those in the associated supply chain looking to discover new innovations and industry insights, to develop relations with key industry stakeholders.

  • FWP1

    High level speakers open The Fish Waste for Profit conference discussing by-product utilisation


    The keynote session consisted of Jonas R. Vidarsson, Director of division of value creation, Matís, Petter Martin Johannessen, Director General, IFFO and moderated by Thor Sigfusson, Founder and Chairman, Iceland Ocean Cluster.

  • WF

    Engin sóun á sjávarfangi


    Á hverju ári er talið að um 10 milljónir tonna af hráefni fari forgörðum í fiskvinnslum og fiskeldisstöðvum heimsins. Því er það mikilvægt fyrir hagkerfi alþjóðlegs sjávarútvegs að hægt sé að hámarka nýtingu sjávarafla og verðmæti þeirra afurða sem hægt er að skapa úr því sem kastað hefur verið á ...

  • if

    Business soars at Icefish 2022!


    June 2022 Fareham UK, Kopavogur Iceland – The 2022 Icefish exhibition opened its doors yesterday, welcoming exhibitors, attendees and VIPS from around the globe. The exhibition, which runs from 8-10 June, began yesterday with the Opening Ceremony, in the presence of invited guest, Benedikt Árnason, Minister of Fisheries, formally ...

  • if

    Viðskiptin blómstra á Icefish 2022!


    9. júní 2022, Faraham, Bretlandi, og Kópavogur, Íslandi. Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin 2022 hófst í gær og inn streymdu sýnendur, gestir og mektarfólk víðs vegar að úr heiminum. Sýningin stendur yfir dagana 8.-10. júní. Hún hófst með setningarathöfn að viðstöddum boðsgestum, en Benedikt Árnason, ráðuneytisstjóri sjávarútvegsráðuneytisins, opnaði sýninguna formlega í fjarveru Svandísar ...