All Conference articles – Page 9
Soteco - C50
Heimilisfang:Via Bartolomeo Parodi 1466014 Ferriera-pontasso GEItaly Vefsíða: Exhibiting with: / Sýnir með: Atlas hf
Seat Innovation - C50
Heimilisfang:4636 KristiansandNorway Vefsíða: Exhibiting with: / Sýnir með: Atlas hf
Azcue pumps - C50
Heimilisfang:ARRONASpain Vefsíða: Exhibiting with: / Sýnir með: Atlas hf
Normex - C50
Heimilisfang:6017 ÅlesundNorway Vefsíða: Exhibiting with: / Sýnir með: Atlas hf
Skipavörur - C50
Address:Hvaleyrarbraut 2Iceland Website: Exhibiting with: / Sýnir með: Atlas hf
Soteco - C50
Address:Via Bartolomeo Parodi 1466014 Ferriera-pontasso GEItaly Website: Exhibiting with: / Sýnir með: Atlas hf
Normex - C50
Address:6017 ÅlesundNorway Website: Exhibiting with: / Sýnir með: Atlas hf
Seat Innovation - C50
Address:4636 KristiansandNorway Website: Exhibiting with: / Sýnir með: Atlas hf
Azcue pumps - C50
Address:ARRONASpain Website: Exhibiting with: / Sýnir með: Atlas hf
Arnarlax - B10
Arnarlax´s ambition is to be Iceland´s leading salmon farmer and is currently Iceland’s biggest aquaculture company having been at the forefront of the aquaculture industry in Iceland for several years. Founded in 2009, in Bíldudalur, a small Icelandic village inside a long fjord called Arnarfjordur, Arnarlax has from the beginning ...
Arnarlax - B10
Arnarlax´s ambition is to be Iceland´s leading salmon farmer and is currently Iceland’s biggest aquaculture company having been at the forefront of the aquaculture industry in Iceland for several years. Founded in 2009, in Bíldudalur, a small Icelandic village inside a long fjord called Arnarfjordur, Arnarlax has from the beginning ...
Ace Aquatec Ltd - F75
Ace Aquatec is an award-winning aquaculture technology company specialising in in-water electric stunners; automated waterjet bleeding; gentle contactless pumping, biomass cameras and Sea Lice removal systems. We help customers thrive by making their operations efficient, ethical and sustainable. Multimedia Gallery Address:Unit 1 Water’s EdgeCamperdown ...
Ace Aquatec Ltd - F75
Ace Aquatec is an award-winning aquaculture technology company specialising in in-water electric stunners; automated waterjet bleeding; gentle contactless pumping, biomass cameras and Sea Lice removal systems. We help customers thrive by making their operations efficient, ethical and sustainable. Margmiðlunargallerí Heimilisfang:Unit 1 Waters EdgeCamperdown StreetDundeeDD1 3HYUnited Kingdom ...
Alda Oryggi ehf - P38
Revolutionizing Maritime Safety Management Alda Öryggi is transforming maritime safety with its cutting-edge digital platform designed specifically for fishing vessels. Our software centralizes and simplifies safety management, fostering a robust safety culture onboard. Alda Öryggi engages crew members directly in safety procedures, ensuring transparency and accountability while streamlining operations. Key ...
Alda Oryggi ehf - P38
Bylting í stjórnun öryggismála til sjós Alda Öryggi er alhliða hugbúnaðarlausn sem nútímavæðir öryggisstjórnun til sjós og gjörbreytir öryggismenningu um borð í þeim skipum sem nota lausnina. Markmið okkar er að veita sjávarútvegsfyrirtækjum og sjómönnum alhliða öryggisstjórnunarkerfi sem samþættir áhættumat, öryggisreglur, þjálfunaráætlanir og stöðug umbótaferli til að draga úr áhættu ...
Pacific West Refrigeration - F70
Originating in Sechelt, BC, Pacific West Refrigeration Ltd. (Pac West) has been incorporated since 1995. Manufacturing Marine Refrigeration Equipment has been our specialty since the beginning. Starting with mostly local pacific coast commercial fishing markets such as tuna, prawn, black cod and, of course, salmon we outfitted many commercial fishing ...
Pacific West Refrigeration - F70
Originating in Sechelt, BC, Pacific West Refrigeration Ltd. (Pac West) has been incorporated since 1995. Manufacturing Marine Refrigeration Equipment has been our specialty since the beginning. Starting with mostly local pacific coast commercial fishing markets such as tuna, prawn, black cod and, of course, salmon we outfitted many commercial fishing ...
Learncove ehf - E20
Address:Grandagarður 16101 ReykjavíkIceland Website: Exhibiting with: / Sýnir með: Islandsbanki
Learncove ehf - E20
Heimilisfang:Grandagarður 16101 ReykjavíkIceland Vefsíða: Exhibiting with: / Sýnir með: Islandsbanki