All Industry News articles – Page 2

  • Tuna giant FCF has joined the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST). Photo: FSF

    FCF joins Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability


    FCF Co., Ltd, one of the world’s largest marine products integrated supply chain service provider companies specialising in tuna, has joined the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST).

  • Attention from the media as incoming Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Svandís Svavarsdóttir takes over from Kristján Thór Júlíusson, who is stepping down from government. Photo: Atvinnuvega- og Nýsköpunarráðuneytið

    Iceland’s new minister for fisheries


    With negotiations between the three parties forming Iceland’s new government concluded, there are changes at the various ministries – including at Industry and Innovation, which has the Fisheries and Agriculture brief.

  • The MoU aims to sustain the pelagic self-sampling programme over the long-term

    Pelagic stock science boost


    A new agreement aims to maximise the benefits on thecollection and analysis of scientific data on pelagic stocks.

  • Dan Watson's boat came courtesy (in part) from a £50,000 grant from Marine Fund Scotland

    Funding boost for new fishers


    New fishermen have been able apply for funding towards second hand fishing vessels.

  • Lynn Gilmore is taking over as director of communications and engagement at Seafish

    Seafish appoints comms director


    Seafish has appointed Dr Lynn Gilmore as its new director of communications and engagement, and takes over her new role on 1st November.

  • seafood workers

    Industry fails on human rights


    Seafood companies are not doing enough to protect human rights, new research has found.

  • workers

    Industry fails on human rights


    Seafood companies are not doing enough to protect human rights, new research has found.

  • Napa argues that a dispute involving blue whiting quotas is leading to over-fishing

    North Atlantic blue whiting FIP


    A collective of retailers and supply chain businesses has launched a ‘policy fisheries improvement project (FIP)’ to help secure the sustainable management of blue whiting in the North Atlantic.

  • Sealaska is refining its business to focus on chilled seafood Photo: AG Seafood

    Alaska corporation eyes Iceland


    A corporation owned by First Peoples in Alaska is planning to acquire equity in two Icelandic seafood companies as part of its drive to manage the oceans sustainably.

  • Cod quotas are unnecessarily low, argues the SFA Photo: SFA

    Cod fishing at risk from quota cut


    Fishermen face going out of business if politicians insist on driving down cod quotas next year at a time when the stock is abundant in the North Sea, says the chair of Shetland Fishermen’s Association, James Anderson.

  • ​UK Innovation Fund wants ideas

    ​UK Innovation Fund wants ideas


    Applications are now open for a third round of funding from the UK Seafood Innovation Fund. Continuing to support a sustainable future for the UK seafood, the programme seeks ideas from innovators looking to introduce novel and practical solutions into the sector. The programme has also announced £1.5m of follow-on ...

  • The first ever trawl survey of Lebanese waters is underway Photo: GFCM

    First ever trawl survey of Lebanese waters


    For the first time ever, a scientific survey on fisheries resources will be carried out to discover what lies at the bottom of the sea in Lebanon.

  • Pescanova is expanding its online shop to the whole of mainland Spain Photo: Pescanova

    Pescanova expands online shop in Spain


    Seafood brand, Pescanova, is expanding its online shop, offering its most exclusive products to the whole of mainland Spain.

  • Ready for second stage of investment quotas

    Ready for second stage of investment quotas


    Leading Russian fish producers have supported the recently announced state plans for the expansion of the existing programme of investment quotas, reports Eugene Gerden.

  • mackerel

    Protect North East Atlantic fish


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is calling for urgent government action on quota sharing to protect vital fish stocks in the North East Atlantic.

  • Thai Union Graphic and Starflex sign the memorandum of understanding Photo: Thai Union

    Thai Union and Starflex team up on packaging


    Thai Union Group’s printing and packaging subsidiary has launched a new joint venture with Starflex, an industry leader in manufacturing and distributing flexible packaging.

  • Stuart Nisbet, CFO and company secretary of Austral Fisheries Photo: Austral Fisheries

    Austral Fisheries appoints new CFO


    Austral Fisheries has appointed Stuart Nisbet as its new chief financial officer and company secretary with effect from today (30 September).

  • European Fishmeal’s new president

    European Fishmeal’s new president


    Changes took place at the annual general assembly of European Fishmeal (EFFOP) on September 23rd, 2021, as the sitting president, Jóhannes Pálsson, CEO of the Danish fishmeal producer FF Skagen, stepped down after seven years.

  • Ministers challenged to take concrete action

    Ministers challenged to act on pelagic stocks


    Ahead of Coastal States meeting to discuss the North-East Atlantic’s pelagic fisheries, a grouping of concerned companies has issued a challenge to ministers responsible for fisheries to take real and effective action on returning to responsible management.

  • DanFish

    DanFish ready for action


    The DanFish International exhibition is back and ready for action.