Analysis – Page 18
Micronauts and the ‘science of appliance’
High-speed, exploding ultrasound bubble scenario from Dr Andy Cobley, Head of Materials at the Coventry University Sonochemistry Centre. ©TW : EEC PhotosMaking sound wavesAmong those laying out their wares at the 2009 Summer Science Exhibition in London were ultrasound specialists Dr Andy Cobley and Dr Larysa Paniwnyk from the Sonochemistry ...
EU Green Paper
According to its authors, the recent EU Green Paper (GP), together with contributions from stakeholder organisations, the research community, Member State governments, civil society and third countries, should form the basis of a public debate on the future Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).
Good vibrations?
A recent investigation report by the MAIB (“CELTIC PIONEER”) has highlighted an increasing number of accidents involving RIB’s and also suggested that a number of RIB and/or workboat owner/operators may not be complying with the recent “Vibration Regulations” (The Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Control of Vibration at Work) Regulations ...
Governing the oceans
More than 700 fishing vessels have their base in VigoFrom 16-19 September 2009, the world's fishing and aquaculture industry will gather at the IFEVI Exhibition Centre in Cotogrande, Vigo, Spain for the main exhibition and various conferences and meetings aimed at being a forum for debate.Andrew Webster, President of World ...
Tactics and the new European Parliament
Satu Hassi ,Vice Chair EP Environment Public Health and Food Safety Committee. Credit: TW:EEC PhotosThe core issue is how the EP reflects the interests of fishing community worldwide when it deals with the EU Commission (EC) and Council of Ministers (CoM) in reform of the Common Fisheries Policy.Over three months ...
Artificial reefs can save the world’s oceans
Lowering an artificial reef into the seaActivities by petroleum companies such as drilling for oil have also been a factor.Now, reports Andrew Martin, a Norwegian company is carrying out trials with an artificial reef concept called SeaCult, which shows great promise in attracting fish and other marine life back to ...
A deadly combination
"Just abuse or semi-slavery" - news such as this coming from South Africa on the abuse of Vietnamese and Indonesian crews onboard oceanic fishing vessels and previous ones of the labour conditions onboard Scottish and Irish fishing vessels on one hand, and those on the persisting reality of illegal, unreported ...
Saving on labour is the key for onboard processing
Whitefish species would normally be de-headed and filleted by Baader equipment before entering the Marel flowlineHowever, one sure way to attract interest was to highlight the labour saving aspects of the machine in question. Not only is labour expensive, but today young people don’t want to go to sea anyway, ...
Climate cash – turning past into future
Lawyer and career fighter for the poor and dispossessed, Koos Richelle Director General EuropeAid, which helps make the EU the world's biggest aid donor. Credit: TW:EEC PhotosKoos Richelle is Director General of EuropeAid, the European Commission's (EC) body, which, along with member states and the European Development Bank, represents the ...
Mathematics and selective fishing
This column is going to be a continuation of my previous one, for the voices questioning some of the management means and the very science underlying them are heard loud and clear and more and more often.
Pesca Sur 2009
Smaller than the former version but with the same spirit - this is how we can describe this third version of the exhibition.Either due to the global financial crisis or the country's fishing sector's instability, this year's event evidenced less expenditure. Also, exhibitors griped because of less visitors and a ...
Ensuring sustainability though an international leadership alliance
Fisheries and seafood industries depend on healthy, productive marine ecosystems. Unfortunately, the marine environment and its resources are being degraded, destroyed and overexploited at an expanding rate and scale. As the primary users, fisheries, seafood and other ocean industries hold the key to their future in their own hands. Who ...
Reinforcements from Russia and America
Here, at World Fishing, we have often brought up opinions questioning the ongoing fishery management methodology and management by quotas, as well as the underlying science, including the issue of relationship between the size of spawning stocks (SSB) and recruitment, the consequences of sustained size-selective fishing, and the validity of ...
Tuna fishing in the Western and Central Pacific
Tuna seinerThe new measures are due for implementation this year after members of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) approved the new initiative at the Commission’s December 2008 annual meeting in Busan, South Korea.The Commission oversees the management of fisheries over an area that produces more than half ...
Fisheries and seafood leadership in ensuring a sustainable ocean and industry
Fisheries and seafood leadership on sustainability is important to the future of the ocean. Credit: NOAAFisheries and seafood industry leadership in 'Corporate Ocean Responsibility' is essential to navigating this critical juncture and ensuring the long term health of the industry.Fisheries and seafood leadership on addressing sustainability issues is not only ...
What certification?
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) that was one of the parents of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) appears to be all set to spawn another fish watcher - the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC).
Second hand doesn’t have to mean second best
The Arenco SFD-300 filleting machineIn addition to the advantage of a reduced price compared with a new machine, there could well be the opportunity to buy a tried and trusted design that has stood the test of time and has proved to be very capable of performing a particular operation.There ...
Turning point reached in seafood and health
Now, new evidence is emerging to show that fish and shellfish contain many other ingredients which prevent and cure life threatening diseases and other conditions."We have reached a turning point in our understanding of just what benefits to human health come from eating fish, and particularly shellfish," says Clive Askew, ...
The sinking of the Patriot
Skipper Matteo Russo and his father-in-law, John Orlando, died early the morning of 3 January when their 16.5-m trawler, Patriot, sank somewhere off Gloucester, Massachusetts in fair weather and moderate sea.
Managing fleets and fisheries
European fisheries are under pressure. Many commercially important fish stocks are declining and so are the number of fishing boats and people employed within the fishing industry. Management and regulation of fisheries are becoming continuously more complicated. Stakeholder confidence in existing assessment and management models is shaken and more efficient ...