Power & Propulsion – Page 10
Retrofit HAM system leads to 61% NOx reduction
Norwegian purse seiner/trawler and factory vessel Kvannoy has become the world’s first fishing vessel to benefit from Humid Air Motor (HAM) technology following a rebuild performed at MAN PrimeServ Frederikshavn, Denmark.
Biolubes ‘help you save money and be green’
Throughout its 180-year history, Vickers Oils has led the way in the development of marine lubricants and has long associations with the fishing industry. Vickers Neox range of stern tube lubricants were for many decades the standard products in the UK fishing industry and are still used today.
Hydraulic equipment for Spanish fishing boat
New tuna purse seiner F/V Playa de Azkorri, built by Astilleros Murueta for the Basque company Pevasa, delighted its owners at its net trials, where all the fishing and deck hydraulic equipment were tested.
Fuel savings with Perkins Sabre M300C engine
Finning Power Systems has added the new Perkins Sabre M300C to its range of diesel marine engines to help operators reduce emissions and save up to 10% on fuel costs.
Rolls Royce’s new hybrid shaft generator
The new Hybrid Shaft Generator (HSG), developed by Rolls Royce, is an advanced power electric system that will allow for flexible use of speed, enabling better efficiency of both propeller and engines.
Optimised propulsion from MAN Diesel
Following a refit of its propulsion system, the trawler Jette Kristine has increased its bollard pull. The refit, carried out in Frederikshavn, Denmark, replaced the propulsion gear with a new propeller and nozzle.
Norwegian vessel cuts engine oil consumption by more than 50%
Just 18 months after delivery from the shipyard where she was built, M/V Krossfjord, a Norwegian fishing vessel that operates in the North Atlantic, began experiencing radically increased fuel consumption due to lacquer formations in the engine’s cylinder liners.
Cummins QSK60 HPI certified to IMO Tier II
Cummins Inc. has received a statement of compliance from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) certifying the QSK60 HPI auxiliary engine to IMO Tier II emissions standards.
Perkins unveils new marine diesel engine
The first model in an entirely new generation of Perkins marine diesel engines has been unveiled by the Wimborne Marine Power Centre.
New engine from Mermaid Marine
The Mermaid J444 is a 4 cylinder, naturally aspirated heavy duty marine diesel engine and is based on the highly reliable JCB 444 series industrial engine.
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE merger complete
The merger announced between MAN Diesel SE and MAN Turbo AG to form MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, based in Augsburg, is now complete.
EnSolve launches compact PetroLiminator® oil water separator system
EnSolve Biosystems has successfully completed and passed the MEPC 107(49) certification tests for its new compact PetroLiminator 200M (PL 200M) Oil Water Separator (OWS) system.
New mineral oil separator generation
The Westfalia Separator® eagleclass is a completely new generation of mineral oil separators from GEA Westfalia Separator.
HBT introduces energy saving solutions
Drastic price increases in oil have resulted in many fisheries companies having to forego opportunities to catch various types of fish because, in some cases, the price of their catch has not kept up with the price of oil.
First SkySails fishing trawler sets sail once more
Parlevliet & Van der Plas B.V. and SkySails begin practical tests of SkySails towing-kite propulsion for fishing trawlers.
Buy Volvo Penta parts on the web
Volvo Penta is now launching an Internet sales channel through www.volvopentashop.com.
BMC establishes a new office in Rotterdam
Baltic Marine Contractors’ (BMC) main office is located in Tallinn and offers mechanical and electrical services for MaK marine customers in The Baltic States and in Finland.
WESMAR wins second ABS DP approval
WESMAR’s has announced that two more of its all stainless steel bow thrusters have been given ABS Certificate of Design Assessment for dynamic positioning (DP) applications.
Jette Kristine gets 23.5% more bollard pull
A recent full-scale bollard pull test on the Esbjerg-based fishing vessel Jette Kristine showed an increase in bollard pull performance of an impressive 23.5%.
Caterpillar launches marine DEP engines
The latest step in the evolution of the Cat® 3500 engine line is the launch of the Cat 3512C and 3516C Diesel Electric Propulsion (DEP) engines, to better meet critical customer requirements and further the commitment by Caterpillar to sustainable development.