Analysis – Page 19

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    Second hand doesn’t have to mean second best


    The Arenco SFD-300 filleting machineIn addition to the advantage of a reduced price compared with a new machine, there could well be the opportunity to buy a tried and trusted design that has stood the test of time and has proved to be very capable of performing a particular operation.There ...

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    Turning point reached in seafood and health


    Now, new evidence is emerging to show that fish and shellfish contain many other ingredients which prevent and cure life threatening diseases and other conditions."We have reached a turning point in our understanding of just what benefits to human health come from eating fish, and particularly shellfish," says Clive Askew, ...

  • World Fishing & Aquaculture

    The sinking of the Patriot


    Skipper Matteo Russo and his father-in-law, John Orlando, died early the morning of 3 January when their 16.5-m trawler, Patriot, sank somewhere off Gloucester, Massachusetts in fair weather and moderate sea.

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    Managing fleets and fisheries


    European fisheries are under pressure. Many commercially important fish stocks are declining and so are the number of fishing boats and people employed within the fishing industry. Management and regulation of fisheries are becoming continuously more complicated. Stakeholder confidence in existing assessment and management models is shaken and more efficient ...

  • News

    Farming in troubled waters


    Chile’s salmon farming industry is deep in trouble. Chile''s marine aquaculture has been a big business following a 15-year development, despite being a relatively late-comer to the salmon industry.

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    Tuna fetches over $100,000 at auction


    The most expensive tuna since 2001 has been sold at a Tokyo fish auctionMarket official Takashi Yoshida said that the 128kg tuna was sold for 9.63 million yen ($104,700). This is the highest amount a tuna has been sold for since 2001 when an all-time record of 20 million yen ...

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    Tropical tuna management plan is step in right direction


    The EC has welcomed the tuna management planKey elements include a 30% reduction over three years in catches of bigeye tuna, and a two-month prohibition on fishing with floating platforms which are used to attract fish, to be extended to three months in 2010.Though these measures do not go as ...

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    Machines taking over in Vietnam


    Navico opened its fourth factory earlier this year to process pangasius. CREDIT: ©Paata Vardanashvili/FlickrProof, if it were needed, is provided by the news that Vietnam's latest, and biggest, white fish processing plant is using more equipment than ever before.Nam Viet Corporation (Navico) opened its fourth factory – Indian Ocean Freezing ...

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    Offshore fish farming needs a ‘social’ licence’ to keep growing


    More than 100 delegates from Europe, the Middle East, the Americas and Australasia, met to discuss how to keep their industry growing, in the face of the technological challenges of working offshore, and potential clashes with other users of the maritime coastal estate.The conference was organised by Mercator Media and ...

  • News

    Financial collapse and fisheries


    The present worldwide financial crisis needs a coordinated response on a range of fronts in order to limit its impact on economic growth, jobs and small businesses - says the October resolution of EU summit.

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    High prices on the market


    In the third quarter of this year, fishmeal prices tended downwards somewhat, but much less than the ones of soybean mealIn the third quarter of the year, fishmeal production was characterised by very limited catches, normal features for this period of the year. However, also the overall 2008 production was ...

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    Climbing the €500-million dead fish mountain


    Michel Barnier gathers together his ministerial colleagues in Annecy France as Europe heads towards the autumn stock and quota battle. CREDIT: ©Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries France, Pascal XiclunaPeter O'Neill pulls in the lines from around Europe to gauge whether anything will really change in the ritual, autumn examination of ...

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    American assessment of offshore fish farming


    The US government must be taking offshore fish farming seriously.

  • News

    US$50 billion lost by marine fishing each year


    Economic losses in marine fisheries resulting from poor management, inefficiencies, and overfishing add up to a staggering US$50 billion per year, according to a new World Bank-FAO report. Taken over the last three decades, these losses total over $US2 trillion, a figure roughly equivalent to the GDP of Italy.But The ...

  • News

    Is the aquaculture boom starting to fade?


    In 2006, the world consumed 110.4 million tonnes of fish, with 51.7 million tonnes of that originating from aquaculture.Production by traditional capture fisheries has reached a plateau, so to meet the projected demand for fish of an expanded world population, in 2030 aquaculture will need to produce an additional 28.8 ...

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    Crayfish and mixed grill with carp bycatch


    Happy, repeat client hunters using special safety mats before returning catch to Orellana reservoir - more than 120km2 fed by the Guadiana river Credit: TW:EEC PhotosFrom the air, Extremadura looked arid and brown, yet miles of shimmering lakes and reservoirs reflected back blue. Tourists may be few in this little ...

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    Our gentle fishing partners


    The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Authority (NOAA) has recently revised its 2006 estimates of dolphin abundance in the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP).

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    Japan's tuna fleet suspends fishing to conserve stocks


    According to Japan Tuna Fisheries Cooperative Association (Japan Tuna), Japan's largest association of deep sea tuna fishermen, 233 of its pelagic longline tuna boat operators will each suspend fishing operations for two to three month periods sometime from the start of August 2008 to the end of July 2010 in ...

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    SADC countries to tighten up on illegal fishing


    The Hon. Minister Dr Abraham Iyambo and his Mozambican counterpart, Hon. Minister Cadmiel MutembaThe countries - the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Angola, Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Mauritius and Madagascar - signed a Statement of Commitment to Stop Illegal Fishing at a July meeting of SADC Marine Fisheries Ministers ...

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    'Micronauts' to the rescue!


    Live Chinese mitten crabs waiting for customers at deluxe hotel fish restaurant in Zibo city, Shandong Province, China. Credit: TW:EEC PhotosToday, writes Peter O’Neill, we all rely on microbiologists and pathologists who stick their swabs into the nooks and crannies of cold storage warehouses and chill cabinets. These Micronauts travel ...