Analysis – Page 17
Small-scale fisheries revisited
A short report on India’s fisheries published by the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) awakened me to the disproportionately small share of information and discussion in most fisheries press, and the relatively little research effort focusing on small-scale/artisanal fisheries (SSF).
A new impetus for European aquaculture development?
Credit: Marine Harvest/Steinar JohansenBoth sectors can be described as ‘traditional’ and are mostly comprised of small and medium sized companies, employing less than 10 persons or family businesses. With EU enlargement, an additional contribution of close to 100,000 tonnes to freshwater aquaculture production (with carp species and trout) was brought ...
New extraction process produces high quality chemical-free krill oil
Fishing for krillAccording to Tharos Ltd, the Santiago, Chile-based consultancy that developed the technique, the non-solvent and chemical-free extraction principle leaves no residue in the final product which is aimed at the human pharmaceutical and health supplement market. “We believe this to be a revolutionary concept because, unlike oil extraction ...
French fisheries and CFP discussed at Lorient workshop
Menakhem Ben-Yami’s kick-in lecture. From left: James Smith (D&P, Marseilles, interpreting), Menakhem Ben-Yami, D. Le Sauce (D&P President) The headquarters of P&D, which also include a fisheries documentation centre, is situated in Lorient in Brittany, France. Lorient is the second largest fishing port in France handling annually ...
Obama, Lubchenko and catch shares: who benefits?
According to an official announcement by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), in June 2009 President Obama committed his administration to “integrated and comprehensive national ocean policy, incorporating programs to help rebuild fisheries and sustain fishermen, communities and vibrant working waterfronts, including the cultural and resource access traditions”.
Summary of the hearing of Maria Damanaki – Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
"The ongoing Common Fisheries Policy reform is vital and will, of course, be a central focus of my work," said Ms Damanaki in her introductory remarks, stressing the keywords "sustainability", "democratic responsibility for all partners of the sector", "global dimension" and "compliance". "I will be proud to contribute to blue ...
Making customers want to choose seafood in supermarkets
Packaging plays a vital part in the eventual purchase. Credit: Sealed Air CorporationBut what makes a person take that vital first step of picking up the package in the first place? It must catch the eye of the customer and make him or her want to investigate further. And there ...
An inspector calls
Moroccan fish histamine scientist Fayssal el Filali (2nd from top left) treats inspectors to the day's catch - cooked before your eyes in Agadir's ancient Souk. Credit: TW:EEC PhotosPeter O’Neill finds the inspectors may be more friend than foe for fishermen and processors. The thought of an unannounced visit by ...
Computers in fisheries research: friend or foe?
To err is human; to really foul things up needs a computer…
Letter to the Editor
Dear Sir, I am writing in response to the article on page 12 of the September issue (to read the article click here) concerning the jack mackerel fishery in the South East Pacific. The article is long on purple prose and very short on fact. As well as negotiating ...
CFP consultation reignites the debate on quota ownership
Credit: Roger Kidd/WikimediaThe consultation saw an increasing number of calls for the UK Government to take back control of national quotas and to distribute these to the industry on a geographical or regional basis. Such a course of action would be consistent with the official Governmental position that quotas are ...
Protecting fisheries in the pacific - part 2
A Clark's anemonefish, taken in Borneo, Malaysia. Credit: Wikimedia/Jens PetersenAn estimated 120 million people depend on fisheries for their economic and food security on the vast marine resources in the Coral Triangle which covers a 5.7 million square kilometre expanse of ocean.Coral Triangle countries Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the ...
“And you are crestfallen, no hope you can raise, Seawater will creep in your veins, But waves of the ocean forever will praise Your glory, your death and your pains.” (After an old Russian naval song – G. Zaytsev, transl)
The most professional and international WFE
WFE 2009 was the most professional and international yetThe World Fishing Exhibition (WFE) and Aqua Farming International (AQA) Exhibition were held from the 16-19 September 2009 in Vigo, Spain. At the final press conference, Mr Paz-Andrade, surrounded by the Executive Committee and the Regional Minister of the Sea, Rosa Quintana, ...
Protecting fisheries in the pacific – part 1
The international Coral Triangle Initiative has been launched. Credit: Wikimedia/Nick HobgoodThe six country regional cooperation programme will combine technical expertise and funding from multilateral development agencies, NGO’s and donor governments to develop sustainable coastal and marine resources management in the 'Coral Triangle' region of the Pacific. The programme is planned ...
Saving habitats from inertia
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently published a report entitled: "Our Living Oceans: Habitat" (online version available at
WFE Conference Agenda
14-15 September 2009Fourth Worldwide Tuna ConferenceVenue: ANFACO-CECOPESCA headquartersOrganiser: ANFACO-CECOPESCA15 September 2009World Summit on Fisheries SustainabilityVenue: Parador de BaionaOrganiser: Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs16 September 2009Fifth Fisheries Ministers ConferenceVenue: Parador de BaionaOrganiser: Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs17 September 2009APROMAR Sectorial ConferenceVenue: IFEVIOrganiser: APROMAR18 ...
WFE Foreword 2
It is also a unique networking opportunity with representatives of the world's main regulatory and policy organisations available to discuss the issues that will affect businesses in the future. And all visitors to Vigo should try to find a little leisure time to enjoy some of the best seafood and ...
WFE Foreword
It has been quite a challenge organising the event this time around from a promotional and administrative point of view in the light of the present socio/economical situation. However, conscious of the need for companies to be able to attend events of this magnitude in order to keep trading, we ...
Port of Vigo update
The Port Authority of Vigo says that this increase in volume shows how attractive the markets of the Port are to international companies selling their products.However, the Port Authority warns that although the global numbers are positive, when speaking about the fishing commercialised at the Port, the difficult financial situation ...