Latest News – Page 8

  • 2017 opening  ceremony

    Icefish 2021 - much more than an exhibition


    Held only once every three years the 13th Icefish will return, 15-17 September 2021, with 80% of the exhibition space already booked and still over four months to go.

  • Viking165652496_1756005014573977_6221820458368817163_n

    Familiar name - new designs


    However, the current Viking designs are a long way from the original boats built back in the 1980s that established a reputation for strength and reliability. Today’s inshore fishing vessels are packed with sophisticated systems and have a carrying capacity far greater than the previous generation, as boatbuilders have responded to requirements for greater comfort and safety, more speed and higher fishing capacity.

  • Navis.Visir.pall-jonsson

    Taking the green approach


    “We’re concentrating on green systems, and we have developed an electric fishing vessel. This is a coastal longliner. Construction hasn’t started, but the development work is compete and this is ready to go,” said Bjarni Hjartarson at Navis.

  • ENTECCermaq-Forsan

    Smart systems for fisheries and aquaculture


    The group’s name is drawn from Environmental Technology, and the three partner companies, Evotec AS, Brimer AS and ServiTech AS, each have skills that range across the fisheries, aquaculture maritime sectors.

  • MMG.nord_fugloy_02b-1

    Shipbuilding for fishing and aquaculture


    Those within the Måløy Maritime Group (MMG), a cluster representing a variety of specialist suppliers, include ship designer Skipskompetanse, which has recently concluded contracts for new vessels to be built at Larsnes Mek Verksted, one of the busiest shipyards in the region.

  • Hamp1

    Global reach, Icelandic roots


    The company had been a supplier to the local fishing industry for decades before seeing some serious growth as fishing gear increasingly shifted into the high-tech sector. A longstanding commitment to staying ahead by putting the effort and resources into research and development has seen Hampiðjan grow into one of the world’s largest fishing gear manufacturers with a product line that ranges from ropes and twines to complete gear ready to start fishing.

  • Valka-Gadus-Representatives

    New product options for Belgian processor


    Gadus has a longstanding reputation for the highest quality seafood production. Always quick to adapt and determined to be a leader in its field, Gadus has responded to the demands of a changing market by embarking on a transformation process and articulating a long-term company vision.

  • Saeplast1DSC_7076-001

    Closing the recycling loop


    “This was one of the great advantages of the product, along with the strength of the containers, their durability and other features,” said Arnar Snorrason, Sæplast’s director of product and market development.

  • Isfell3

    Unique range of services


    Ísfell’s Streamline and Arctic trawl designs have long been in widespread use, and now the Arctic Force trawl has been added to the catalogue. 

  • DOLAV1

    Millions of tubs worldwide - now Icela


    Right at the end of 2020, Industrial Solutions struck an agreement with Israeli tub and pallet producer Dolav to become their representative for Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

  • Nodosa0321

    Nodosa delivers latest Falklands trawler


    The fleet fishing in the Falklands has been going through a process of renewal in recent years, with a number of new trawlers joining the fleet – all of which have been built by Nodosa.

  • Lavango1

    Fifty-fifty, whitefish and salmon


    “We specialise in tailored systems for fish processing, supplying fishing vessels, processors and also aquaculture companies producing salmon and trout. This year we have been busy with the new whitefish production plant that Samherji opened recently in Dalvík, with conveyors and other equipment. There’s a lot of our gear in there,” said CEO Kristján Karl Aðalsteinsson.

  • Hedinn1553

    Héðinn HPP to be IceFish star of the show


    Héðinn’s engineers have pioneered a new approach, developing the company’s Héðinn Protein Plant (HPP), combining simplified operation with some highly promising results in terms of energy efficiency, manpower needed to run the system, the physical footprint of the installation and outstanding product quality.

  • PlutoDemersal

    Trawl doors from recycled plastic


    The designs are ready and the first production models of the Pluto doors – maintaining the tradition of using names from mythology – are expected to be ready soon.

  • MustadAutoline01.1131-2000px CMYK

    Mustad Autoline sets up in Iceland


    Sigurður Óli Thórleifsson has been recruited from Ísfell, Mustad Autoline’s distributor in Iceland over the last five years, bringing with him extensive experience and a strong knowledge of the Mustad Autoline product range and market.

  • Knuro2 Fish Counter copy

    Norwegian salmon expertise at 2021 IceFish


    Although Knuro is described by its marketing manager Oddvar Raunholm as a niche supplier, it has a remarkable line-up of products, including a cleaner designed to work seamlessly with the Baader 142 gutting machine, a fish counter with a minimum 98% accuracy which tracks daily production, and a SCADA computer production management and analysis platform which goes under the name of The Boss.

  • Olen1

    Smart management for brine freezing and RSW


    Behind Olen is Concarneau company ISI-Fish, which has a long back ground in fishing industry technology, including supplying a range of sophisticated electronics for pelagic vessels and longliners fishing for tuna and other species.

  • Duguva1.Gamyba 4 copy

    First time at IceFish


    Duguva has a varied production range, including electric fencing for livestock and specialised surgical bands – but its main growth in recent years has been in producing ropes and twine for the fishing and aquaculture sectors.

  • Wise1.johannes_helgi_gudjonsson_2_litur_wise

    Wise adapts to changing business landscape


    “Many elements in our everyday lives have changed due to the global Covid-19 crisis. Our sales and marketing activities at Wise Solutions are no exception, although developments have not been in quite the direction we expected. We have rarely been so busy here in sales and marketing,” he said.

  • Baader1.2015-05-06 15.29.34-1

    Salmon looks exciting for Baader


    “We see the salmon industry in Iceland growing fast, and this is very exciting. Baader is easily the leader in salmon processing, especially in terms of gutting,” said Jón Valur Valsson.