Why exhibit?
Iceland is heavily dependent on fishing and fish related products with over 35% of the country’s export coming from these sources. .
Salmon farming is growing rapidly in Iceland and it is expected that the country’s production could increase threefold from 2021 levels to 100,000 tonnes.
Skippers and owners of 1,561 registered vessels modernise their fleets on an ongoing basis, and most companies have been showing record profits in 2022. Processing and value added increasingly continue to be focussed back to Iceland from abroad for the 1,258 million tonnes of caught fish.
Iceland pioneer’s in fish utilisation and reduced their landfill waste from the annual catch to only 2% in 2022. Icefish’ Fishwaste For Profit Conference covers this topic with industry experts over 1 ½ days during the show.
The combination of all of the above provides exhibitors with the perfect platform to meet and discuss new business requirements.
The Exhibition will cover every aspect of the commercial fishing industry from catching and locating to processing and packaging, right through to marketing and distribution of the final product.
Added focus for 2024 will again include a dedicated area for Processing, Seafood, Aquaculture, Commercialisation of Fish by-products and Value added to enhance the visitor experience.
If you are looking to get a share of the Icelandic fishing market, below are more facts why this exhibition is a must every three years:
- Following a Covid enforced break of 5 years, the last event in 2022, welcomed 398 companies, products and brands over the three days by exhibitors from 22 different countries including national pavilions from Spain, Denmark, Norway
- Total attendance 9988 from 41 countries
- 35% of Iceland’s exports comes from fish or fish related products
- Extended exposure through Icefish and World fishing & aquaculture magazine channels to a combined audience of 26,726
- An extensive Icelandic marketing and social media campaign will ensure everyone involved in the fishing industry will attend the show
- Overseas visitor delegations will be co-ordinated between the organisers and key Icelandic organisations
- The Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition is the single biggest commercial event in Iceland and it enjoys the full support of all major organisations
IceFish 2022 Visitors