Analysis – Page 23
The meaning of sustainability - Part 1
Environmentalists and fishermen rarely agree on anything. It’s a pity because conventional logic would say that, fundamentally, environmentalists and fishing people should stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a common cause for maintaining resources – sustainability – while blending that with their sensible usage. Unfortunately, all too often there is controversy between the ...
Beyond the limit in the Arctic
There are two major issues regarding Svalbard and fishing. One is the problems with illegal fishing around the archipelago. The other is Norwegian jurisdiction in the same area. When the Norwegian Coast Guard arrests a Russian or Spanish trawler, accusing them for illegal fishing, both questions have to be dealt ...
FAO, tuna and fuzzy logic
“Not all that can be measured is important and not all that is important can be measured” - Albert Einstein - I have on my desk a copy of “Management of tuna fishing capacity: conservation and socio-economics” (FAO Fisheries Proceedings 2 – 2005, 336 p). The book ...
The Lawless Oceans
Pirate fishing is now big business, involving the collusion of countries offering flags of convenience and catches which drive down income for legal fishermen.
Licence application flood delays South African fishing season
It all started with the decision of the South African Department of Environmental Affairs (SADEA) to issue long-term fishing rights for the first time, starting in 2006. Rights were to be issued for between 10 and 15 years and the overall value of the rights in terms of catch has ...
Who’s in Charge
Time to ask where? What? and Why? - The FISHFOLK Internet discussion list* is a stage on which current and not so current issues are often thrashed out. The focus is usually very American, reflecting where most of its aficionados come from. Recently, however, Bill Bartlett, one of the list’s ...
Fishermen, stakeholders in the future of coral reefs
Jamaican coralSubsistence and growth of coral depends on a number of requirements, temperature, irradiance, calcium carbonate saturation, turbidity, sedimentation, salinity, pH and nutrients. The level of these variables determines the processes of photosynthesis and calcification, and also the level of survival. In turn these requirements are affected by meteorological processes, ...
Globalisation and fish stocks
The influence of globalisation of fisheries on the world''s fish stocks and their management
Swedish fish turn Norwegian
The coast of Bohuslän County stretches from the Norwegian border to Sweden's second largest city, Göteborg (Gothenburg). Both the region and the city have been built on the herring with proud traditions and a 'herring culture' which was also adopted by the Russians. Today the Bohuslän coastline is still the ...
US controls & too many boats jeopardise Tsunami aid impact
According to Pieter Tesch, a Red Cross report just published says that lack of coordination between aid agencies has meant far more new boats than those which fished pre-tsunami. This may cause serious overfishing. Further, Indian exporters have attacked new US duties on shrimp saying the economic impact could be ...
Taiwan - from fishing boats to yachts
Poorer deep-sea stocks, reports David Hayes, have meant marine and freshwater aquaculture has grown, creating a new market for fishery equipment. There are more than 50 companies in this business today and many small firms act as subcontractors to larger companies. Some companies producing deck equipment and fittings for fishing ...
Fishermen and processors join scientists in management review
What made it different was the nature of the different participants who included experts from the Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers Organization (ANIFPO), the N. Irish Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD), the Aquatic Systems Group, the Marine Fisheries Research Programme, Sea Fishery Policy, an Icelandic consulting fishery biologist, and ...
Management economics what's missing?
A guide to heartless, soulless cold strategies - Almost 30 years ago Prof. Lee G. Anderson''s wrote The Economics of Fisheries Management and it was then one of a kind in its field. He revised it in 1986 and now we have the 2004 reprint. It is a bit ...
Tuna in the eye of a storm
Tuna sandwiches are big in the US. The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC-, quoted Heinz North America in August saying Americans eat one third of the 2.2 billion cans of tuna sold each year around the world.The debate's elements are simple: tuna as a convenience food and containing ...
Full ahead for Outsourcing Island
Globalisation of the world fisheries and not only in fisheries may take quite unexpected turns - If you’re an owner or executive operating a large, “vertically integrated” fishery enterprise in a rich region or country (e.g. Europe, North America, Japan, Australia or New Zealand), you may benefit from all sorts ...
Apocalypse now
Mega-hurricane Katrina was for many their Apocalypse. The affected area includes the Florida Keys and from Pensacola, FL, to the Texas border. There is a virtual fishery shutdown in the affected states due to major flooding, damage to fishing boats and fishing ports, waterways clogged with debris and closed processing ...
Norwegian 'Danes' in salmon squeeze
Jutland peninsula is the holiday haunt for the Danes but the locals face dark summer clouds as they find that their salmon processing industry is caught between the devil and the deep dark fjords of Norway. In May, Pan Fish had to temporarily close its salmon processing plant in Hirtshals ...
Danish fishing industry faces new challenges
The Danish fishing industry is made up of various groups, all facing their own problems and challenges and with their own agendas for the future. However one common challenge for most of them is how to adapt the way they conduct business to cope with the rapid, radical and profound ...