All Iceland articles
New York fish farm joins 100% Fish initiative
Skytop Springs becomes 37th company to join the 100% Great Lakes Fish Pledge, promoting the sustainable use of fish
Icelandic catch falls by over a quarter
2024’s decrease driven by a substantial drop in pelagic volumes
New pelagic catcher joins Icelandic fleet
With freezing capacity onboard, Hákon replaces its 70-metre predecessor, which was built 20 years ago for operating company Gjögur
Nýtt uppsjávarskip bætist við íslenska flotann
Nýtt skip útgerðarfélagsins Gjögurs, Hákon ÞH-250, er komið til landsins.
Iceland’s fishing, fish processing profitability declines
2023 declines confirmed in companies’ operating accounts and balance sheets
New pelagic catcher joins Icelandic fleet
With freezing capacity onboard, Hákon replaces its 70-metre predecessor, which was built 20 years ago for operating company Gjögur
Icelandic fisheries landings up 7% in November
The month’s pelagic volume increased 24% year-on-year, thanks to a 224% upturn in the fleet’s blue whiting catch
Samdráttur í veiði á Íslandi
Aflaverðmæti við fyrstu sölu var 125,7 milljarðar króna á fyrstu níu mánuðum ársins 2024, samkvæmt bráðabirgðatölum frá Hagstofu Íslands. Þetta eru 19% minni aflaverðmæti en á sama tímabili 2023, þegar verðmæti við fyrstu sölu nam tæpum 155 milljörðum króna.
Icelandic catch shrinks
Fleet reports lower volumes and earnings for first three quarters of 2024
Icelandic catch shrinks
Fleet reports lower volumes and earnings for first three quarters of 2024
Iceland’s fish landings down 18% in September
Upturn in fleet’s demersal catches unable to offset shrinking pelagic volumes
Iceland’s summer coastal catch valued at ISK 5 billion
Almost 94% of the catch was cod, with the remainder being mostly saithe
Icelandic fish exports down in volume, value
Total fisheries volume fell by 8% in 2023, while value slipped 2%
Slippurinn DNG appointed Brunvoll’s agent in Iceland
Company also sells 20 DNG R1 jigging machines at IceFish 2024
Icelandic capture fisheries landings down 31% in August
Fleet experienced another steep drop in its pelagic catch – for the second month in a row
Icelandic catch becomes more valuable
Ex-vessel value for 2023 increased to over ISK 197 billion, new figures confirm
Seafood – Iceland’s economic keystone
Ahead of the 14th Icelandic Fisheries, Seafood & Aqua Exhibition in Reykjavik, WF looks at recent developments that have been further shaping Iceland’s seafood landscape
Triple-rigger for Ísfélag of Iceland
Celiktrans Shipyard has delivered groundfish trawler Sigurbjörg ÁR-67 to the Westman Islands-based fishing company
Icelandic landings down 23% in July
Large decrease in the pelagic catch brought the total volume of fish and shellfish landed by the fishing fleet down by more than 23,650 tonnes
New generation of veteran filleter exceeds expectations
Baader 189PRO is the result of extensive development by staff at Baader Iceland, in co-operation with a number processing companies