Capitalising on seafood’s competitive advantage


Industry leaders say the global seafood marketplace has completely changed in recent years and that a more resilient food category has emerged

“Some say Covid was the biggest marketing campaign for salmon,” Bakkafrost CEO Regin Jacobsen told a conference session at Seafood Expo Global (SEG) 2023 in Barcelona focusing on seafood business strategies in strange economic times. Like most companies, over the past three-plus years, the Faroe Islands-headquartered salmon farmer found itself tested by the pandemic and then more recently by the turbulences of the global inflationary and fuel and energy crises. But amid the so-called “polycrisis”, there’s been a silver lining: along the way, people have been brought closer to seafood as a food category – they’ve been buying more of it because they have gained the confidence to prepare it at home. Salmon has been one of the big winners in this regard, with its popularity now reaching new levels.

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