Interviews – Page 3

  • Mackerel shoal close to shore in Iceland

    Innovation the driving force of sustainable fisheries


    Iceland’s Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, speaks to WF&A about the Icelandic fishing industry.

  • The number of fishing vessels in the Danish fleet has halved over the last 10 years © Danish Fishermen’s Association

    Prices, data and the CFP


    Niels Wichmann, managing director of the Danish Fishermen’s Association and the Danish Fishermen’s Producer Organisation (DFPO), talks to Carly Wills about the Danish fishing industry.

  • Bjørn Myrseth received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s GOAL 2013 conference in Paris last year

    Freshwater fish will become more important in aquaculture


    World Fishing & Aquaculture interviews Norwegian modern fish farming pioneer, Bjørn Myrseth to discover what he believes the future holds for the fast growing industry.

  • Lobster boats are moored in safe harbor near Stonington, Maine. Credit: Gabriel Nordyke/Marine Photobank

    Champion of small-scale fishermen


    Menakhem Ben-Yami interviews Robin Alden, Executive Director of Penobscot East Resource Center and member of Maine Sea Grant''s Policy Advisory Committee.

  • Dr Jason Link

    Managing ecosystems on three levels


    Menakhem Ben-Yami exclusively interviews NOAA’s new Senior Scientist for Ecosystem Management, Jason Link.

  • Navy gray Þór (Thor): not on the warpath but tied to the ‘peacepath’. Rare WF ‘catch’ on camera, Reykjavik harbour, 1980s © TW : EEC Photos

    Gunboat Þór stays home


    Þór (Thor): not on the warpath but tied to the ‘peacepath’. Rare WF ‘catch’ on camera, Reykjavik harbour, 1980s © TW : EEC Photos" src="" />Navy gray Þór (Thor): not on the warpath but tied to the ‘peacepath’. Rare WF ‘catch’ on camera, Reykjavik harbour, 1980s © TW : EEC ...

  • Ruben Mugira

    Albacora on its future communications plans


    Grupo Albacora SA is a leading tuna fishing company exporting all over the world. A pioneer in many aspects of its business, Grupo Albacora is one of the first to adopt the internet onboard its fishing vessels, support ships and reefer ships. By the end of 2011 it is the ...

  • The bridge and ship's wheel dominate the entrance to Lowri Evans' maritime and fisheries headquarters in Brussels. Credit: TW : EEC Photos

    Who has the wheel?


    The bridge and ship's wheel dominate the entrance to Lowri Evans' maritime and fisheries headquarters in Brussels. Credit: TW : EEC PhotosThe context Commissioners may come and Commissioners may go but the engine room of the EU’s DG Mare Pêche (Direction générale des affaires maritimes et de la pêche – ...

  • Dragon Feeds’ founder Tony Smith.

    Q&A with Tony Smith, Dragon Feeds


    Dragon Feeds began looking at ways to produce sustainable aquaculture feeds around 10 years ago. Following five years intense research and development work, the UK company unveiled its unique fishmeal alternative, which combines its own farm-produced Nereis virens polychaetes, also known as ragworms, with vegetable proteins. Today, Dragon’s feed project ...

  • Kilic Group’s Bafa hatchery is nearly as big as a small town.

    A tale of three hatcheries


    Kilic Group’s Bafa hatchery is nearly as big as a small town. (Photo: Kilic)Turkey’s three leading gilthead seabream and European seabass hatcheries could not be more different if they tried. At one end of the spectrum is the Kilic Group where everything – including the size of the fry they ...

  • Schwaab: Fisheries have been vital to the prosperity of US coastal communities for centuries.

    Protecting US marine resources


    Schwaab: Fisheries have been vital to the prosperity of US coastal communities for centuries.WF: How are you planning to implement policies such as catch shares, which seem to have sparked significant controversy in the US fishing industry ES: Catch share programmes, which include individual fishing quotas and limited access ...

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    WFE will mark a turning point for Spain


    Elena Espinosa, Spanish Minister of the Environment and Rural and Marine AffairsWorld Fishing: How important is aquaculture for the Spanish fisheries sector?Elena Espinosa: Modern aquaculture constitutes a substantial innovation in the production of fish and of food of aquatic origin and, with a percentage of average world growth of 6-8 ...

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    Interview on the First World Summit on Fisheries Sustainability


    David Agnew, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Imperial College of LondonWhat is the reason for holding a conference focused on sustainability?Everyone – the fishing industry, environmental organisations, governments – is now concerned about the sustainability of fish stocks. Since the early 1990s there has been very little growth in the world ...

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    CFP reform – how’s about a new boat?


    Nathalie Charbonneau, spokeswoman for Fisheries Commissioner Joe Borg, has spent her career in the Commission (EC). There are lots of complaints about the CFP she says, but the reform process, which went public with a Green Paper in April(1), is a chance for direct input from fishermen to change things.Any ...

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    Optimistic about the future


    Iceland's Minister of Fisheries, Einar K GuðfinnssonWorld Fishing: What are the main strengths of the Icelandic fisheries industry today?Einar K Guðfinnsson: There are a number of things that one can mention. Of course, we have a very able management team, a very well-trained and experienced workforce and we have a ...

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    Icelandic fisheries still going strong


    Marianne Rasmussen-CoullingWorld Fishing: What are the main changes this year to other editions of the show?Marianne Rasmussen-Coulling: Following the 2005 event it became apparent that a large number of exhibitors wanted the exhibition to run over three days. Also, by moving the event to October the hotels would be charging ...

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    Three men in a boat


    Left to right: Jaime Silva (Portugal), Horst Seehofer (Germany) and Iztok Jarc (Slovenia). TW : EEC PhotosThere are now 27 EU ministers with responsibility for Agriculture and Fish and Rural Development (AFRD). Germany’s Horst Seehofer took over the Presidency of the Council in January for the usual six months. ...

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    Becoming a player in European fisheries


    Eskil Erlandsson, Swedish Minister for Agriculture, Food and FisheriesWorld Fishing: What are your most important projects and issues in your new role?Eskil Erlandsson: When it comes to fisheries in the European context I would like to be more influential than the previous government, and be more of a 'player'. It ...

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    Spanish sector at the forefront of responsible fishing


    Spanish Fisheries Minister, Elena Espinosa (Picture courtesy of MAFA)World Fishing: How do you describe the situation of the Spanish fishing sector?Elena Espinosa: First of all, I would like to highlight that Spain is still a big fishing country. It still has an important fishing tradition and it is still a ...

  • News

    Striking a balance


    World Fishing: What are your most important current projects and issues?Dr Simon Cripps: WWF's Global Marine Programme endeavours to protect marine life and the oceans, and the livelihoods of those that depend on them. In partnership with users of the marine environment, e.g. shipping companies and the fishing sector, WWF ...