Analysis – Page 11

  • The Abel Tasman (formerly Margaris)

    Can fisheries be managed rationally?


    Menakhem Ben-Yami looks at the issue of fisheries management.

  • Trawlers like this will be managed differently under new devolution rules

    New CFP philosophy prompts changes to fleet management


    September saw the publication of a new report promoting the benefits of implementing a moratorium on catching in 49 over-fished areas, reports Adrian Tatum.

  • News

    The mismanaged Northern cod


    Menakhem Ben-Yami takes a look at fishery mismanagement.

  • 500 NUTFA members are currently lobbying for the commercial survival of 4230 registered under ten metre fishing vessels

    Under ten fleet in grave danger


    Bryan Gibson looks at the plight of England’s under ten metre fleet.

  • Dead fish in an oil spill. Credit: Doug Helton/Marine Photobank

    Part 2: Overfishing? Not quite


    It is common knowledge that pollution in the sea directly or indirectly affects fish and other marine organisms.

  • Paul Joy has been co-ordinating efforts to protect the fishing fleet alongside Hastings Town Council

    NUFTA calls for fairer quota shares


    Bryan Gibson talks to The New Under Ten Fishermen’s Association (NUFTA) about securing fairer quotas for the under 10m fleet.

  • Vin Sullivan's today

    Looking after the interests of the retail fish trade


    Despite a dramatic decline in their numbers, fishmongers collectively sell more than £250m worth of seafood per year in the UK, which is about 25% of the country’s chilled fish sales.

  • Overfishing: what everybody needs to know

    Overfishing? Not quite


    I don''t like the term overfishing. Not that overfishing doesn''t occur, but because this term is too often over-used and misused.

  • Captain Fisher

    From Doryman’s Days to great skipper’s life


    A native of Gloucester, Massachusetts, Captain R Barry Fisher (1928-2001) had been to me a sort of an overseas ‘alter ego’.

  • The report

    Little fish - big noise


    The recently published report by Lenfest Forage Fish Task Force (LFFTF), entitled Little Fish – Big Impact that glows in some media, calls for cutting the catch of forage fish by half.

  • Aquahives developed to hold circular trays of young lobsters stacked like CD's in a plastic container

    ‘Home-bred’ lobsters to be released into the sea


    As part of an ongoing project to improve breeding success of the European lobster, recreational divers from Bude in Cornwall, UK, will be releasing up to 1000 six week old juveniles into the no-catch zone surrounding the wreck of the ‘Coronation’.

  • Worldwide overfishing is still an ‘unresolved concern’

    Worldwide overfishing continues


    Overfishing has brought about many challenges to the European fishing industry (see World Fishing & Aquaculture April 2012), but in the rest of the world those challenges are just as prominent and in many respects resolving them is even more urgent, writes Adrian Tatum. African waters, for example, have long ...

  • Nesika, beached after capsising, with Coast Guard personnel onboard

    Logbook of a fisherman's wife - a fishing lore saga


    I have recently finished reading a book by Michele Longo Eder - a fisherman''s wife from Newport, Oregon.

  • Last June the Commission reported that fish stocks in European waters are improving. Credit: Mick Garratt/Wiki

    Overfishing in Europe must end


    Last June the Commission reported that fish stocks in European waters are improving. Credit: Mick Garratt/WikiAlongside discards, overfishing ranks as one of the most discussed subjects both in the political arena and industry over the past few years, reports Adrian Tatum. Overfishing and the failure of the Common Fisheries Policy ...

  • News

    PROFISH: Is it also pro-fishermen?


    In 2005 the World Bank (WB) created the Global Partnership on Fisheries (PROFISH) in association with key donors and stakeholders.

  • News

    Back to slavery


    Things are going from bad to worse. Over six years ago (WF June 2005) I wrote here about low-paid and badly treated "foreigners" onboard large, distant-water fishing vessels, some of which flying FOC (flag-of-convenience) and some IUU (Illegal, unreported and unregulated).

  • Hugh’s Fish Fight was set up to try to change discard laws

    Bringing Europe together on discards


    It was a move seen by many as long overdue, but 2011 was to be the year that Europe was to come together as one to change the rules on discards forever.

  • A trawler East of Greenland some 30 years ago, exploring the possibilities for shrimp fisheries

    Arctic fisheries and global warming


    Global warming was recently an item on the agenda at the COP17 meeting in Durban, South Africa (28 November - 11 December 2011). It was emphasised in the meetings that it is important to begin adaptation for exposed and vulnerable poor communities which are negatively affected by the consequences of ...

  • The Tasu getting wrecked on the beach

    Ditching a fishing boat? No problem – just follow the rules


    I started my marine career as a wireless operator. An upcoming ‘sparker’, as we were fondly called by other seamen, one of the first subjects they taught me at maritime school was how to react to safety problems and, in particular, when yours or other ship was in distress.

  • Richard Cook, MD Severn & Wye Smokery, releasing glass eels into the Thames

    New hope for eel


    Richard Cook, MD Severn & Wye Smokery, releasing glass eels into the ThamesWhile it’s true the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) has significantly declined in numbers, it’s wrong to say this centuries-old delicacy has been overfished. In fact from February this year eel buyers will have the opportunity to buy sustainable ...