Analysis – Page 10
Clever seals outsmarting fishermen
Bryan Gibson looks at the problems that seals can cause for fishermen and fish farmers.
The fish we eat
Menakhem Ben-Yami looks at the term ‘sustainability’ and how it now covers more than just the fish itself.
A more efficient and effective future
Adrian Tatum reports in the importance of efficient and effective fishing.
FAO Fisheries: Model 2015
Menakhem Ben-Yami revisits FAO Fisheries and discusses how times have changed.
Slavery in fisheries: No longer ignored
Menakhem Ben-Yami looks at the latest report into slavery in the Thai fishing industry and what is being done to bring an end to it.
Marine farming and artificial islands
Last January I went to a conference, which took place at the University of Haifa, Israel. It was dedicated to examining the option of artificial islands (‘artlands’) in an Israeli context.
Implementing the CFP
Adrian Tatum reports on the implementation of the CFP, over a year on from its conception.
Climate, pollution and overfishing
It seems that at least every five years I have to return to the dispute of overfishing versus other factors responsible for depleted fish populations. I wrote about it on this page in 2002, 2007 and 2012. Now, with a feeling of déjà vu, I''m back at it.
Positive signs in campaign to reduce ocean litter
Good progress is being made in reducing the amount of ocean litter caused by the marine industry, including the commercial fishing industry, writes Bryan Gibson.
Lessons learned in the fight against EMS
The widespread shrimp disease continues to be a multi-billion dollar problem, but there is reason for rising optimism, writes Jason Holland.
Ebola and fish market – curse, blessing or both?
Menakhem Ben-Yami looks at how the Ebola scare is affecting West African fisheries.
The jumping mullets
Grey mullets are funny fish. When fenced off - they''ll just jump over the net corkline and laugh at you from the outside. They may also jump back and forth - just for fun.
Producing krill oil at sea improves quality and saves costs
Andrew Martin looks into the benefits of producing krill oil at sea.
Technology in waiting
Menakhem Ben-Yami looks at various technologies awaiting commercial implementation.
Slavery in fishing
The Thailand prawn farming industry has recently received much negative publicity due to its alleged involvement in fishing slavery, reports Bryan Gibson.
To kill the Golden Goose
Menakhem Ben-Yami looks at whether trawling really is the worst villain of the sea.
The pressure increases onboard
As the demand for fresher fish increases the race to get it to shore in the best possible condition, onboard processing is becoming an even more important factor in the process, as Adrian Tatum reports.
The undue quarrel
Environmentalists and fishermen rarely agree on anything – despite that, for logical reasons, they should stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a common cause for maintaining ‘sustainable’ utilisation of fishery resources.
Controversial krill
Bryan Gibson reports on the topic of krill fishing and asks if krill can be sustainably fished…or if stocks should just be left alone.