Dr. Arne Hj. Knap, Process Specialist Sterner, will be presenting at Fish Waste for Profit Conference, taking place from 16-17 September. If you want to learn more about fish by-product utilisation register your delegate space today!
Sterner is today the largest Norwegian owned supplier in large water treatment systems. Their progress comes from their ability to implement products into new applications and markets, through the development of new processes and new solutions.
Arne has a PhD in microbiology and is the mastermind behind Sterners ABR and MAT technology. Knap has worked actively with biogas technology since 2002 and has a background from the Oil and Gas Industry. Knap was the Managing Director of BioTek, which was acquired by Sterner in 2014. He now specialises in what he is most passioned about - developing Sterners technology for biogas and sludge treatment.
Register now and join Arne in session 4 Pioneering By-product Utilisation, where he will be discussing fish waste to energy and organic fertilizer - novel and proven technology. You can see other confirmed speakers in the Conference Programme.
The full delegate package at Fish Waste for Profit 2021 includes:
- Conference attendance for one and a half days
- Full documentation in electronic format
- Lunch and refreshments throughout the conference
- Access to the close of day one, networking & drinks reception
- Free entry to Icelandic Fisheries exhibition
Book your place online today at www.icefishconference.com or Contact Jim Batchelor on +44 1329 825335. You can also email info@icefishconference.com for more information.