Sir Ian Barker has been appointed chair of New Zealand’s new Snapper 1 Strategy Group, which will work on a long term plan to manage the fishery.

Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy directed the Ministry for Primary Industries to set up a multi-sector strategy group before the end of the year. There will be seven members appointed in total, with two members each representing the commercial, recreational, and customary sectors.

The group’s primary task is to develop a management strategy for Snapper 1 by 1 October 2015, which will determine how best to maximise the benefits from this fishery.

Sir Barker has had a distinguished legal career with a strong reputation as an arbitrator and mediator, and is independent and widely respected.

“I want to see the stakeholders – the people with a direct interest in this fishery – working together. Finding common ground will help provide a solid foundation for decision-making into the future,” said Mr Guy.

MPI is seeking nominations for these positions and the minister is encouraging all sectors to engage with MPI to get the right people around the table, with the intention of the group holding its first meeting before Christmas.

“The Snapper 1 stock is rebuilding but still needs to be carefully managed so that our children and grandchildren can enjoy the benefits. We need to start working on the strategy now,” said Mr Guy.