The speakers have now been announced for the Icelandic Fisheries Conference, discussing the utilisation of ‘Food Waste for Profit’. Distinguished individuals from leading commercial fisheries businesses and industry associations will be sharing their invaluable knowledge at the conference.
IceFish Conference Chairman, international seafood journalist, Mike Urch, will host the Introduction and Welcome. Mike has nearly 40 years’ experience in the seafood industry, having worked extensively in product and market development as well as quality control within the seafood sector, prior to becoming a leading industry journalist.
Mr Thor Sigfusson, Managing Director of Iceland Ocean Cluster (Sjavarklasinn) will be conducting the welcome address entitled ‘Setting the scene for the recycling revolution’. Thor has a P.h.D. in International Business from University of Iceland and an MSc in Economics from The University of North Carolina. Thor has worked as CEO of Sjóvá and deputy director at the Nordic Investment Bank in Finland and has written five books including topics about international business and salmon.
IceFish Conference Session One will be focusing on Wild demersal species, ‘In Cod We Trust’. The session speakers are:
Haukur M. Gestsson, Economist, Iceland Ocean Cluster will be speaking about ‘Inventing Cod’. Having a B.A. in Economics, Haukur is Project Manager and Economist for the Iceland Ocean Cluster. The Reykjavik-based Iceland Ocean Cluster states that economic impact of the ocean cluster in Iceland has enabled significant growth for the second year in a row. The total contribution of the ocean cluster in 202 was GDP was 28.4%.
Sigrun Mjoll Halldorsdottir of MATIS, the government-supported agency, will be discussing ‘Biotechnology/Bioactivity –producing marketable products’.
Following this will be Marel’s Director of Product Development, Kristjan Hallvardosson who will be discussing ‘Mechanism Technology – innovation for a nation.’ Marel is a pioneer in the supply of innovative, advanced food processing solutions for the fish sector with offices spanning 30 countries.
And finally, the last speaker of Session One will be Dr Hólmfrídur Sveinsdóttir, Managing Director of IceProtein. IceProtein is dedicated to innovate and market highly biologically active aquatic proteins with a strong scientific foundation recovered with “green” technology for the fast growing biomedical and biohealth product industry. With an M.Sc. in Nutrition and Ph.D. in Food Science, Hólmfrídur is suitably qualified to discuss the topic of ‘Making more value from the catch – new screening opportunities.’
Book your delegate tickets and discover more about the conference online at the IceFish Conference website or contact the IceFish team at to discuss how the conference can help your business to maximise its potential.
By Hannah Colls, Mercator Media