If you work in the commercial fishing sector and want to maximise your profit then this conference is a must. Profits can be increased by utilising the whole fish and during the day, eminent Speakers already experts in this area will be providing advice and information.
The Icelandic Fisheries Conference, also known as IceFish, will run alongside the Exhibition on Thursday 25 September from 10 am until 4 pm. This conference is being pioneered by the Icelandic government, MATIS (part of the Ministry of Fisheries & Agriculture), and in collaboration with the University of Iceland.
Areas of discussion will include such topics as methods for extracting the parts of the fish that would normally be disposed of, and which areas of fish utilisation are likely to be profitable in the future.
Limited resources of certain species of fish mean that the industry is aiming to achieve minimal wastage by utilising the whole fish.
In the world today there are already companies using fish bones for sunscreen and fish wastage as bio-diesel fuel. Research will continue until numerous products have been developed using all fish waste and the public are educated so that what may seem to be unusual now, will become the norm - after all, years ago it was probably unusual to take cod liver oil or other fish oils as a diet supplement.
This conference is a springboard for companies to achieve a balance – helping the environment, providing consumers with new products and increasing sales revenue.
To book a place at the Icelandic Fisheries Conference, please visit our Delegate Bookings page.
For further information please contact:
Events Team on +44 1329 825335
email Charlotte Howden, Conference Manager on chowden@mercatormedia.com