Nøsted Kjetting is known for its wide variety of short-, mid- and longlink chains of Grade 80 quality. Those are used in trawling, deep see fishing and mooring of aquaculture facilities.

Nøsted Kjetting is known for its wide variety of short-, mid- and longlink chains of Grade 80 quality. Those are used in trawling, deep see fishing and mooring of aquaculture facilities TRYGG short link chain is the heaviest and most flexible chain. TRYGG mid link chain, while as strong as a short link chain, is lighter because it has fewer links per meter. TRYGG long link chain has substantialy reduced weight, offers lower price and easy attachment of various equipment.

Our fishery chain can be delivered on pallets with frames, pallet boxes or in barrels with lids. During production all our chains are continuosly controlled against proof load and periodically controlled against breaking load.