Bakkafrost’s Scottish salmon harvest doubles

Bakkafrost salmon

Producer’s total harvest in the first-quarter of 2023 was 19,100 tonnes, with the Faroese harvest falling by 6,500 tonnes

The volume of salmon harvested in the Faroe Islands by the Bakkafrost Group in the first-quarter of this year decreased by 6,500 tonnes year-on-year to the equivalent of 11,000 tonnes head-on gutted (HOG) fish, according to the producer’s latest trading update.

With regards to its different production regions in the Faroes, the company’s Farming North operations contributed 4,100 tonnnes (down from 10,100 tonnes in Q1 2022), while its Farming West farms supplied 3,800 tonnes (a decrease from 5,300 tonnes) and its Farming South farms provided 3,000 tonnes (up from 2,100 tonnes).

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