The list of companies confirming their attendance at Fish Waste for Profit 2019 is growing, are you one of them?
Fish Waste for Profit offers attendees numerous opportunities to network with their fellow delegates outside of the conference room. Lunches and a welcome drinks reception will offer dedicated networking time in a relaxed environment, and an excursion to the technical visit at Haustak, Iceland’s largest fish drying facility, will allow visitors to put their learning into practice.
Take a look at the line up of fantastic speakers on the agenda this year, here.
Companies currently signed up can be seen in the list below. So far, the countries represented at Fish Waste for Profit include; the USA, Canada, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Scotland, Ireland and Indonesia.
Who’s attending?
Anovaseafood BV Arctica Finance Atlantic Leather Blue Ridge Aquaculture Channel Fish Codland EUFishmeal Fálkinn hf. Feel Iceland FF Skagen Iceland Ocean Cluster IFFO La Crevette du Nord Atlantique inc. Lipid Pharamceuticals Lysi Marine Biotechnology Research Centre (CRBM) | Matis Merinov Nova Scotia Business Ocean Company Österbottens Fiskarförbund Perennia PT Etmieco Group SCF Pharma Seafood Scotland Sintef Ocean Teagasc Food Research Centre Technical University of Denmark Technopole maritime du Québec University of Akureyri Visfederatie Zero Waste Scotland Zymetech |
Our fantastic delegate places cost just €450 and include:
- Conference attendance 1 and 1/2 days
- Full documentation in electronic format supplied after the conference
- Lunch and refreshments throughout the conference
- Access to close of day 1 networking drinks reception
- Technical Visit to Haustak on the afternoon of day 2
For more information contact the team on +44 1329 825335 or email For online booking, visit our website. Icelandic companies wishing to pay in Icelandic Krona should contact the events team.