Visitors to this year’s Icelandic Fisheries, Seafood & Aqua Exhibition in September will have the opportunity to experience the brand new feature, The IceFish 2024 Presentation Area.

Sponsored by Icelandic consulting company Verkís, the Presentation Area will give exhibiting companies the opportunity to showcase their latest product, innovation or initiative to a live audience in a special built theatre within the exhibition. It will be running over all of the three exhibition days, already boasting with a ministerial opening, Icefish Awards, matchmaking meetings and new for this year - 30-minute presentation slots for exhibitors launching products or new and engaging projects within the fishing, seafood and aquaculture sector.

The presentation theatre will provide visitors with the added benefit of being informed through short and sharp presentations on exciting launches during Icefish. Creating a platform for companies to demonstrate their work offers attendees a more immersive experience as well as creating educational opportunities giving attendees the space to learn about new technologies whilst the exhibitors will be able to gain from insights into customer interests and feedback.

Presentations attract an audience who will be specifically interested in the topic being presented providing an opportunity for networking and building relationships with potential customers, partners or investors.

All of this can be found in the new events and demo listings another new addition to celebrate 40 year’s of Icefish.

For more information on bookings, please contact or Tel: +44 1329 825335. 
