Specialising in industrial measurement technologies, Oslo, Norway-headquartered MLT Maskin & Laserteknikk is looking to further extend its provision to the fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

Making its Icefish debut at this year’s exhibition, MLT Maskin & Laserteknikk AS imports and markets products from many reputable equipment suppliers in order to offer some of the most innovative solutions available anywhere for surveying and reverse engineering, including the latest 3D scanners and camera techniques.

According to the company’s Tony Melkild, these measurement systems and services could be of great value to the fisheries sector and could be applied and offer value in multiple scenarios. These could include but not be limited to such endeavours as verification of as-built infrastructure and facilities.

On behalf of its clients, MLT Maskin & Laserteknikk could, for example, conduct 3D scanning of purchased components to ensure quality control, or of a factory to assist a rebuild or equipment upgrade, suggested Melkild.

Similarly, it could conduct 3D scans of boats or fish farms ahead of any rebuild projects, he said.

The company also delivers and sell these instruments to customers and provides any necessary training should they want their own personnel to conduct such activities themselves.

If you are interested in exhibiting, sponsoring, attending or speaking at 2022 IceFish please call +44 01329 825 335 or email info@icefish.is.

International sales: Diane Lillo Tel. +44 1329 825 335 or email dlillo@mercatormedia.com

Icelandic sales: Ómar Már Jónsson Tel: +354 893 8164 omar@icefish.is or Bjarni Thor Jonsson GSM: +354 896 6363 bjarni@icefish.is

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Tools could be used conduct 3D scans of boats or fish farms ahead of any rebuild projects