
For ninety years, Verkís has been a trusted partner in building up infrastructure and societies. This means that we have had the opportunity to acquire valuable knowledge and experience that we can build on.

Verkís is leading the €17 million European project, GAMMA, which is set to revolutionize international shipping by converting a bulk carrier to sail on climate-neutral fuels and green power and demonstrating the potential of retrofitting and e-fuels. With a focus on innovation, the project will prove that it is possible to replace auxiliary generators with a new fuel system running on e-fuels. After proof of concept in GAMMA the next step would be to replace the main engines of a ship for a full energy transition. It is a very visionary project, and could be a green game changer for the shipping industry and the fisheries industry as well. These industries will need to adapt fast to new IMO rules as most existing commercial vessels run on conventional fossil fuels.

In addition to coordinating the GAMMA project, Verkís is responsible for the gas engineering on the ship, fire protection, fire safety and risk management, as well as being involved in design management, bunkering, the fuel distribution system and storage and life cycle analysis.




Ofanleiti 2
103 Reykjavík


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