The sessions were regarded as highly informative and inspiring, with industry leading experts providing a fascinating insight into the many products that can be made from previously discarded parts of a fish, which can be often sold at extremely high prices.

Fish skin, for example, as well as being turned into leather for belts, wallets, even whole garments, can also be used for medical bandages with a price tag of $150 per kg. Farmed salmon appeared to be the ultimate in minimal wastage, with only the blood being discarded currently.

Prices for dried heads, bones and the liver of the fish were said to be approaching the price of fillets taken from cod and there were ‘huge opportunities' in other industries for so-called fish by-products.

A number of issues arose from the conference, including by-products storage under the correct conditions, and using the appropriate equipment to support the utilisation of these items. Another issue which needed addressing was how to compensate fisherman for sourcing these ‘new' products.

Find out more in the full article relating to the conference at