The newly developed system is already in use onboard two Eimhamar Seafood vessels. It is designed for longliners from 30ft, setting and hauling 6-30,000 hooks inshore and often on rocky seabeds. The system requires little space and is reliable and easy to maintain.

The company also tells World Fishing and Aquaculture that it has sold its new Seabird Saver to Saxhamar at the exhibition. The Seabird Saver is the first effective laser solution to help prevent seabird bycatch and bait loss.

Mustad's International Marketing Manager, Gro Tollefsrud Fjeld tells WFandA that she is very pleased with this year's IceFish. “The exhibition this year has been very good,” she said. “The atmosphere is good and the people are very enthusiastic. We are very happy to be here with our Icelandic representative Tobis ehf.”